Jun Junajpu

Solapas principales

Anthropologist Allen J. Christenson (2007: 81n163) notes the difficult nature of interpreting the name of the father of the Hero Twins. He writes, "The father of the culture hero Hunahpu is named Hun Hunahpu, which if translated literally would mean 'One One Master of the Blowgun,' a needlessly redundant reading unless Hunahpu were meant to be read as a single untranslated name." Anthropologist Dennis Tedlock (1996: 351) prefers the translation "One Hunahpu," to refer to the figure who is "the father, by Egret Woman [Ixb'aqiyalo], of One Monkey [Jun Batz] and one Artisan [Jun Chowen]; later, both One and Seven Hunahpu [Jun Junajpu, Wuqub Junajpu] become the fathers, by Blood Moon [Ixkik'], of twins named Hunahpu and Xbalanque. By bringing the face of the deceased Seven Hunahpu back to life, the twins initiate morning-star appearances of the planet Venus that begins on days named Hunahpu."

Sam Colop (2008: 61fn70) observa que la voz "Junajpu", también escrita como "ajpu" se refiere al día del calendario maya k'iche'. El nombre calendárico señala su importancia en la cosmovisón maya, ya que Jun Junajpu es el hijo de Xpiyakok e Ixmukane, el hermano de Wuqub' Junajpu y el padre de Junajpu y X'balamq'e.

Nombre analítico: 
Ortografía de Ximénez (quc): 
Ortografía de Ximénez (es): 
Ortografía de Recinos: 
Ortografía de Colop: 
Jun Junajpu
Ortografía de Christenson: 
One Hunahpu