Tepepul (gen. 9)

Solapas principales

El lingüista k'iche' Sam Colop (2008: 199n338) afirma el nombre del líder de la novena generación de los Kaweq "provinene del náhuatl, tepetl 'montaña' (Kartunnen 1992) y po:l, 'grande' (Campbell 1983)."

Tepepul first appears in the list of Kaweq K'iche' rulers in his association with Iztayul, in the sixth generation. Subsequent ruling generations share his name: Tepepul (who ascended in 1475) and Iztayub form the eighth generation, and Tukum and Tepepul are the ninth generation. Anthropologist Allen J. Christenson (2007: 293n849) explains the Nahuatl origins of the name of the ruler. According to Christenson, "This name is likely derived from the Nahua tepeuh (conqueror, majesty) and pul/pol (great), giving the reading 'Great Conqueror.' The Quiché word tepewal is 'glory, majesty, sovereignty.' Alternatively, the name may be derived from the Nahua tepe (mountain) with an augmentative suffix pul/pol (great, large) yielding 'Great Mountain' (Campbell 1983, 85)."

Nombre analítico: 
Ortografía de Ximénez (quc): 
Ortografía de Ximénez (es): 
Ortografía de Recinos: 
Ortografía de Colop: 
Ortografía de Christenson: 
Great Conqueror